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Jackie Phamotse Accuses South African Celebrities Of Using Witchcraft To Gain Success

Controversial author Jackie Phamotse has accused some famous faces in the South African entertainment industry of using “witchcraft” and “snakes” to achieve success and wealth.

The author shared an IGTV Live video where she tackled dark matters regarding some of Mzansi’s faves.

Making sure not to drop any names, Jackie shared enough information to make some social media users draw their own conclusions.

Looking visibly anxious in the more than 60-minute video, Jackie discussed a number of issues on her mind surrounding rich people.

“I’m not saying all rich people live like this, no. I’m saying there’s a small portion of people who live like this consistently.

“They will make you believe that they’ve got gigs, they’ve got endorsements.

“They will make you believe they are selling these products that are giving them millions.

“But behind that facade, there are four or five men who are funding this.

“They are consistently going to sangomas, they are consistently changing friends because the more the friends know, the trickier it becomes,” Jackie claimed.

She made it clear she was not disregarding businesses such as online initiatives or clothing lines with her claims but said some celebs’ riches don’t match up with what they show on social media.

“For example, if you’re selling clothes, it’s very rare to sell clothes that are worth half a million.

“And then you post in your car, your apartment, your shopping, you’re going to every party every weekend, you’re eating at expensive places all the time. It’s a bit difficult.

“So, when people say I’m a private person as there is a difference between private and secretive, they’ll never post their real partners, they’ll never post the person who swiped for those things, they will never post when they go to sangomas.”

Jackie also went on to speak about how some rich people lure women to increase their dark magic powers.

“It’s very clear you’re dating for money and they know you’re dating for money. And, because they have a surplus of money, they will make sure they take as much from you as possible.

“Young women, whether you sleep with a man with a condom or without it, it doesn’t make a difference because your sweat is on him, your spirit is with him, your presence is with him and you’re in his environment.”

Jackie then claimed that at some people’s house, something is “poured” at the gate.

“So, when you walk in, you have inherited some kind of umuthi. When you get into that yard, there are things in that yard that have been planted that you don’t know, you inherit that.”

She also claimed those rich people even keep snakes in a room or a coffin that is kept shut.

Written by PH

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