Miriam Haregot, a 21-year-old African-American woman from Los Angeles, has successfully converted an abandoned church into a homeless shelter. She is possibly the state of California’s youngest Black woman to start a shelter.
“It feels good to be able to provide people a sense of humanity because the world just lacks it, you know, so much so. It’s good to be the change you want to see,” Miriam told Fox LA.
Miriam founded the P.A.C.K. Project, which stands for People Advocating Community Kinship, after renovating the shelter. She described them as a collection of South Central entrepreneurs, creatives, and other adolescents who want to give food, housing, and educational programs to homeless and at-risk children.
The P.A.C.K. Project goes to Skid Row every month to serve hot meals to the homeless, dubbed “Feed The Homies.” It’s a simple but powerful approach to make a difference and spread some love.