
American Lawyer Who Killed His Wife And Son Placed In Secure Area Of Prison For His Own Safety

Alex Murdaugh, the American lawyer serving two life sentences for the murders of his wife and 22-year-old son, is now being confined in the most security sector of a South Carolina jail, following claims that other inmates want to kill him because of his celebrity.


Murdaugh is being detained in a single cell at the Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia, South Carolina, after it was discovered that his infamy could put him in danger.


Murdaugh’s cell is composed of concrete and features a steel bed, toilet, and sink. It’s a far cry from the opulent lifestyle that the disgraced powerful attorney once led.


He is being constantly monitored and is not even permitted to eat with other convicts. Meals are delivered directly to his cell, where he eats alone.



Murdaugh will only remain at Kirkland for 45 days since he needs to be evaluated before being assigned to a certain custody level and a new jail. Unless a specific threat is made against him, he will dine in the cafeteria with his other detainees at that moment.


According to TMZ, the lawyer is led by at least one corrections officer everytime he leaves his cell, and this is when he gets the closest to other detainees, albeit for a very little period of time.


He can currently buy a TV for his cell phone and make phone calls to family and friends.


He hasn’t been attacked or even threatened, but Kirkland officials aren’t taking any risks that he’ll be hurt while they’re watching.

Written by PH

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