
TB Joshua Deletes His Post On US Election On Facebook

The Facebook post of Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) predicting the victory of Hillary Clinton of the Democrats at the just concluded presidential election in the United States has been taken down.

The post was allegedly removed on Wednesday morning after the negative feedback after the prophecy turned out to be false.

The acclaimed man of God came under heavy criticism following his inaccurate prophecy of the winner of the just concluded presidential election.

In the post, Joshua had predicted that Clinton would win the election in a “narrow victory” against her Republican rival Donald Trump.

He made the disclosure while speaking to a packed congregation at the SCOAN on Sunday.

TB Jushua claimed that he saw it all in a vision 10 days ago.

According to what he saw, the female candidate would win the election.

But, on Wednesday morning, in a closely contested election, Trump was declared victorious, after capturing Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

Below is the screenshot of the post before it was deleted:

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