
30 Boko Haram Members Killed In Borno

30 Boko Haram insurgents were killed when they ambushed an Army contingent in Kareto, Borno State, the Army said.

The attack by about 100 Boko Haram members on Monday occurred during patrols by the 113 Battalion.

The ground operation by the Army and a multinational force, with air cover by the Air Force, is to raid the North on a village-by-village basis, capture Boko Haram terrorists and free the captives.

Cameroonian Gen. Bouba Dobekreo said this month that the ground forces were put in place to eradicate Boko Haram threat in Nigeria.

Suspected terrorists ambushed the convoy of Acting General Officer Commanding (GOC), 7 Division Nigerian Army, Brigadier General Victor Ezugwu at the weekend.

The convoy was on its way to Bama, Borno State to visit troops.

Confirming the report Acting Director Army Public Relations Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman said a soldier was killed and two others injured.

Written by PH

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