
Lethebo Rabalago: South African Court To Rule On Fate Of ‘Doom Pastor’

South African Prophet, Lethebo Rabalago

A court in South Africa is due to had down judgement in a case against a self-proclaimed prophet who caused an outcry in 2016 for spraying his congregation with an insecticide called Doom, claiming it has healing powers, the national broadcaster reports.

Lethebo Rabalago was charged with seven counts, including five counts of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

At the time, the pastor defended his actions, telling the BBC he uses unconventional methods to heal people.

Mr Rabalagohe said he had sprayed the face of one woman because she had an eye infection and claimed the woman was “just fine because she believed in the power of God”.

He also alleged that Doom, commonly used in South African homes to kill insects, can heal cancer and HIV.

Written by PH

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