The family of Alonzo Watson, an African American man from Virginia, claims that he is still wrongfully imprisoned in Arkansas for a crime he did not commit. The family argues that if officials would simply analyze his cousin’s DNA, the true identity of the murderer would be revealed.
Watson, now 32, was convicted of a heinous murder at the age of 20 in which he had no involvement. His account of going through a defective trial and a failed appeals procedure offers a devastating picture of justice being denied.
The DNA evidence retrieved from the crime scene did not match Watson’s, implying a completely new murderer. However, the prosecution purposefully concealed this important piece of evidence. Watson was accused and convicted despite the fact that there were no physical signs that he had been involved in an altercation – no scratches, no wounds, no tangible evidence of involvement in such a violent encounter.
To compound the injustice, Watson’s designated attorney failed to emphasize the most essential fact – that the DNA at the crime scene was not Watson’s. This lack in defense further cemented Watson’s wrongful conviction, resulting in the denial of his appeals and the extension of his undeserved time in prison.
To make matters worse, family members and associates with potentially exonerating information did not come forward during the trial. The true killer, who was known to these people, remained unnoticed, while Watson endured the brunt of a crime he did not commit. In the years following, whispers and bits of truth have emerged, implying a deep-seated conspiracy of silence and terror that has kept the truth hidden.
Notably, a former prosecutor who worked for the prosecution during Watson’s trial in 2010 revealed to a family member that she understood the case “wasn’t right.” She walked out of the prosecution office, claiming “ungodly things” that were being done. Despite this, she has refused to assist Watson in his lawsuit.
The victim’s mother has stated her reservations about Watson’s guilt, asserting in 2018 that Alonzo did not commit the crime. Furthermore, in February 2020, a distressing Facebook post by a suspected suspect sparked further concerns regarding Watson’s conviction. Despite these additional details, the authorities have yet to re-examine the case.
Watson had previously been unjustly accused of being the instigator of a series of robberies, a claim levied by his friends who had been caught in the act and wanted a plea bargain. Because of these charges, as well as the murder conviction, Watson was dubbed a ‘Habitual Offender,’ resulting in a life sentence without the possibility of release.
Despite numerous requests for assistance and re-evaluation of the DNA evidence, the system remains hesitant. Authorities in Jacksonville, Arkansas, appear to be uninterested in following alternative leads or evaluating the case.
“This egregious miscarriage of justice highlights systemic issues and prejudice in our society,” his family said. It’s time to right this mistake and bring Alonzo Watson to justice. We ask Arkansas’s Governor and all relevant authorities to re-examine this case, review the DNA evidence, and reveal the truth.”