Cape Town Carnival has announced its theme for 2019 – “Vuka Ukhanye: Arise and Shine.”
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the beautiful ones. It’s time to wake up, raak wys, awaken and be the light!” This is the passionate message of Cape Town Carnival 2019 “Vuka Ukhanye: Arise and Shine.”
According to Cape Town Carnival, it’s time to shake off limiting habits and ideas, unlock our power and potential, and be all we can be. It’s a jolt of energy and a celebration of human potential, an uplifting call to create and own our future.
Cape Town Carnival will take place on 16 March 2019. This annual platform for artistic and cultural expression is now approaching its tenth year, with increasing boldness and confidence in the messages it conveys.
Next year’s theme has stimulated an array of responses and ideas that will find their way into the annual spectacular through dance, costume, performance and illuminated sculptural floats, from “Facing your Fears” to “Cellphone Zombies”, social activism, becoming freedom fighters in our communities and escaping the “Mad Machine”.
ALSO READ: WATCH: Cape Town Carnival 2018 was a force of nature
“Vuka Ukhanye is a call for critical engagement, a call to step up, using the creative space of carnival arts and the carnivalesque to generate thought, response and action through spectacle and play,” says consultative curator Khanyisile Mbongwa.
Dance group leader Michelle Davids observes, “This is completely out of the box for me, so I am taking the opportunity to express the feeling of freedom.”